虽然Wordpress有无数的Theme可以供大家选择,但是对于管理面板来说,基本都是用的默认的样式,虽然也是精心设计的产物,但是用多了,也会有点小意见,特别是新版的管理面板的菜单,不停的点开,折叠让我还是觉得有点不爽。看到老外的一篇文章 @ 7 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Give Your Dashboard A New Look,介绍了几个不错的后台插件。
1. Ozh’s Admin Drop Down Menu
Admin Drop Down Menu 这个插件相当的不错,很好的解决了我前文说的,新版后台管理需要不停的打开,折叠导航菜单的问题,整个后台管理界面焕然一新。安装启用这个插件后,他会整个替换原来左侧的导航菜单,用页面顶部的水平导航条+下拉菜单来代替。看看实际使用效果:
2. Fluency Admin 2.2
3. Easy Admin Color Schemes
The default WordPress installation comes with two color schemes, grey and blue. This plugin adds two more color schemes for your admin panel. Moreover it also grants you to create your own color schemes. You can also export your custom color scheme to use it on other blogs. Depending upon the settings, each user can have its own customized color scheme. Have a look at the Green color scheme and the plugin’s option panel.
WordPress dashboard green color scheme
Easy admin color scheme options
4. Qwerty Admin Panel Theme
Qwerty Admin Panel Theme is a nice looking Admin Panel theme. The permits you to style the admin panel and login screen for all users. The WordPress logos can be swapped the with your own logo images for custom branding.
Qwerty WordPress admin panel theme
Qwerty WordPress admin panel options
A distinct feature of this plugin is ”
Limited Interface
” capability that helps you in hiding different admin panels from different users of your WordPress installation.
Qwerty Login theme
5. Pop Menus for WP-Admin
This simple plugin will be saving you time by creating quick and easy to use pop menus for your WP-Admin sidebar. Popup menus uses jQuery and CSS to popup animated admin-sidebar links. Moreover it makes the admin sidebar sticking with scrollable page that makes it a real time saver with the help of jQuery.
Pop-Menus Dashboard
6. Adminimize
Adminimize is a very comprehensive and advanced WordPress plugin that comes with a lot of features to customize your WordPress backend. The plugin has a lot of options to hide unnecessary items from the WordPress administration menu, submenu and even the ‘Dashboard’, with forwarding to the Manage-page. The plugin has more than 50 options to tweak the backend of your WordPress installation. The following screenshot shows the admin option panel of Adminimize.
Adminimize Option Panel
7. My Brand
Customizing your WordPress login page can’t be easier than this. Simply install this plugin and with the help of my brand option page you can select the background color or background image for your WordPress login page. You can also upload the custom logo for your login page with the help of my brand. The plugin is very useful for multi-author blogs and user contributed websites.
My Brand Options Panel
If you know more beautiful WordPress dashboard themes or ways to customize the admin panel of WordPress please share them with us.
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